Sunday, November 27, 2011

Student suggestions for my class

"I think that your classes are great so I don't have suggestions" ~Tina.

"I feel happy in your class and you make me like English. So I have no suggestions or ideas" ~Unknown.

"I like you and your class very much...Suggstions? Let me have a thought. Eh...No suggestions here........" ~Bryan.

"I don't have suggestions because I think it's perfect" ~Tony.

"Ok. You are my favorite teacher (>.< Alan is too strict..) and I think you did the best in your class, including taugh lectures and spoke with us....We all love you >.< ! ~Vera.

I did get some suggestions for my class, but I was very surprised (and so happy) at the amount of love that I got. The actual suggestions were to watch movies or listen to music, and I can do both, actually.

Travel Plans!!
  1. Japan for a weekend in December
  2. South Korea for a weekend in January.
  3. United States for almost a month in January till February.
Two of my favorite 12th graders and me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The time flies by

My gosh, it's already Wednesday night. Tomorrow and Friday will be my easy days teaching.

I'm slowly learning how to get lost and/or navigate my way around my little piece of China. Sometimes I'm awesome, other times I'm lost.

I got invited to go to a Chinese wedding, and then I was uninvited when I refused to let the person who invited me be more than a friend. Oh well. Now I can sleep in on Saturday.

I'm trying to learn how to cook, but really I'm just making myself sick.

I'm going to cry when my 12th graders leave me on December 10th.

Travel plans are in the works.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Great Wall of China

I had such an amazing time. Any one want to come to China and do it with me?

I arrived in the early morning on Saturday, ate my breakfast in Tiananmen Square and some English speaking Chinese teachers started talking to me. We went to a traditional tea ceremony and then they bought me a turtle. (It died.) Then I went with a tour group of 6 (total) to the Great Wall. Everything was provided, the food, the beer, the sleeping bags, and the transportation. I came back to Zhengzhou on Sunday, around midnight.

It was wonderful!

Lisa Baer on the Great Wall of China!
Great Wall in the distance.
A local family gave us lunch after the hike.
Sometimes the hike meant that we
couldn't be on the Great Wall.
Some of the wall was not safe.

Brushed my teeth off the Great Wall.
About to sleep on the watch tower of the Great Wall.

This was the section that I walked on.
When I first arrived in Beijing, this woman took me to
a tea ceremony and bought me a turtle.
The turtle's name is Jackie Chan.
My new friend's friend.
Eating tiny oranges in Tiananmen Square while a random
man looks in.