Saturday, April 24, 2010


I think everything is falling into place. I'm buying my ticket to Hungary after I get a couple more things confirmed, I have amazing summer plans, and I'm almost done with classes.

A couple of things have come up a lot faster than I thought they would so I really need to take time to reevaluate certain areas my life and what it is that I stand for. I can't say and think one think and then do another. Being a hypocrite isn't my style.

"The atmosphere of Pécs, with its two thousand year history and with the growing emphasis on being a university town, makes a perfect destination for students to start or to continue their higher education. The historical town, with its ancient buildings, museums, restaurants and pubs ensure that students enjoy their free time as well."

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I can think of only a few things that are more frustrating than not knowing what I want to do with my life when I graduate.
I know what I want to do, but it's the getting there that is the problem.

My dad thinks I should go straight to graduate school. I'd better finish up my education so I can start earning the big bucks after I finish my "fun" time in the PeaceCorps/AmeriCorps/teaching English in a foreign country. So, more school and then go have fun. When I come back I can go straight into working.

My mom just wants me to be happy. Don't get me wrong, my dad wants me to be happy too, but he's also thinking of my future in the much much broader sense. He's thinking about my 401k, my retirement, my long long long term.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed that I even forget what I want to do with my life.
That's huge. My life. What do I want to do with it? How am I supposed to know? I'm only 21.
Or, I'm already 21. I feel like time is ticking away and I'm just letting it go through my fingers. I'm 21! I need to graduate and get going with my life. But wait. Am I not doing something with my life right now? Am I not making a difference in the lives of teenagers who are failing their classes? Am I not making change right here in Milledgeville even though I feel tied down?
