Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Lowlights: I was sick. I had to teach 3 classes over the weekend. Nearly threw up on a sweet 10th grader.

Highlights: Went to a business meeting and got picked up in a 2012 Audi A8 (verrry niiiice). Ate a 12 course lunch on Christmas Eve. Went to dinner with Olivia, my fellow teacher and friend. Got some small gifts from my students (and sweet letters, too!) And on Christmas Day I taught 1 class and then had dinner with some friends and then played arcade games for nearly 2 hours.

Last year my brother and I were on a train headed to Berlin, Germany, (see posted photo) but now I'm in China. Life is so interesting. Looking forward to seeing where I'll be next year. Hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas. Can't wait to see what the new year brings.

1 comment:

  1. My poor little Lisa! You seem to be sick a lot over there.... I am worried....Glad you had someone to spend the holidays with. Must have been strange to teach on Christmas! What did the 12 course lunch consist of? We were in Lafayette as we always are! Love you lots and lots xoxoxoxoxo you are always in my heart and prayers.
