Or I could have stayed in Milledgeville on my own dime, volunteered a lot at an HIV/AID shelter, and made zero money. In fact, negative dollars would have been my path.
I decided to spend money and stay in Milledgeville. That was one of the best decisions that I've ever made.
Through this one decision I've received so many more opportunities than I ever would have imagined. I've been volunteering at the HIV/AIDS shelter in Macon (Whoa, gasoline is really expensive) but I'm conducting one on one counseling sessions to the women who are recovering from addiction and are living with HIV/AIDS. I'm also co-leading a group therapy session. I'm learning more than I ever would have gotten in a classroom and I'm growing more spiritually than I ever dreamed. I'm also volunteering at ARF (animal rescue foundation) 2x a week.
Through this HIV/AIDS center I have been given the amazing opportunity to go to Haiti on a mission trip.--- I will be leaving for Haiti July 7th- 13th.
Also, I have been offered a AmeriCorps VISTA summer position working on reducing homelessness in Macon. I'll (hopefully) start that job June 21st and that will go through August 29th. (!!!!!!!!) I can't even tell you how excited I am about this. It's been on my Bucket List to work for AmeriCorps for a long time now, so it would be amazing to see this dream come true.
And finally, I'm going to be co-teaching a Human Sexuality course with one of my favorite professors, Dr. Lindsay.
And to think that I was going to go home and just work in a call center all summer. You never know what life is going to give you. I swear, I am more amazed by life every single day.
Anyway, it was just a choice. And look at all this one choice has given me. Funny, huh.
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