This weekend in Prague was so much fun! I traveled by myself (first time doing that!) and I loved it! I could do whatever I wanted, stay at a place longer, go spontaneously into museums, plans my days however I wanted. There were a lot of perks. No real downfalls.
Things I did:
2 tours.
2 museums. (Museum of Sex & the Museum of Torture) I recommend both
1 black light theatre production is a "result of the Czech traditions of Black Theatre, which combines dance, music, and pantomime to tell an exciting story."

ok, my favorite picture is at the bottom, and it's the picture of the masses of people looking at the astronomical clock in Prague. It was rated the #1 most disappointing tourist attraction by some official website but still, hundreds of people gather every hour to lift up their cameras and film the "event". Instead of taking a picture of the clock, I took a picture of the people.